6 good reasons to definitely adopt prickly pear seed oil

1. In accordance with our nature, the texture of prickly pear oil embraces our cutaneous microbiota which breaks it down on the one hand into glycerin contributing to hydration, on the other into free fatty acids powerful restorative power. Thus, it goes straight to the point for an almost immediate optimal effect.
2. Prickly pear oil is by nature an eco-friendly treatment, since it does not require preservatives or additives, and that its fruit only needs sunlight to grow.
3. Very rich in active principles: antioxidants, fatty acids, sterols and vitamin E, oil of prickly pear seeds is a complete multi-property treatment: repair, hydration, protection and anti-aging prevention.
4. Prickly pear oil barbarie is a long-lasting treatment that replaces a multitude of treatments, thus avoiding overconsumption and redundancy in favor of simplicity and efficiency.
5. The particular texture of prickly pear seed oil is particularly conducive to self-massage, recommended by facialists who advocate natural treatments with touch application.
6. Without forgetting that we are privileged to have this precious oil, called the most expensive oil in the world, here in Morocco, at your fingertips and certified organic, like at Hendiya Skincare where it is offered both 100% pure in the absolute serum, and also used as a main ingredient in the entire Hendiya skincare range.
So many good reasons to get started and adopt it by applying a few drops each evening to give a boost to tired faces, rehydrate by deepen thirsty epidermis and plump sagging skin over time.